Hello viewers! Great Synonym welcomes you back to another amazing blog post on words. Today’s blog post topic is 2 syllable words. We have already posted many blogs on syllable words. But this we will see only 2 syllable words list. These words are easy to understand and memorize. Read the blog post till the end. I hope all of you will enjoy reading this blog post.
2 Syllable words:
Let’s understand what are 2 syllable words, first. Words that are a combination of just two syllables are called 2 syllable words. It is easy to identify two-syllable words among the huge list of words. Because these words don’t acquire much attention to identify. Also, it is easy to divide the word into two-syllable words rather than dividing it into more than two syllables. To divide the word into syllables, all you need to know is how to count the number of syllables in a word.
Apple, cherry, melon, orange, and many more are two-syllable words. These are all the names of fruits. These words are easy to memorize, spell, and write. All of these words contain only two syllables. That is why these words look so easy. These words are preferable to teach your child before going to school. He can easily memorize these words. Whenever he hears these words, he will be more confident in the classroom than usual. Take a look at how these words look like after dividing them into two syllables:
- Syllables for Apple are: “Ap” and “ple”.
- Syllables for Cherry are: “Cher” and “ry”.
- Syllables for Melon are: “Mel” and “on”.
- Syllables for Orange are: “Or” and “ange”.
Understanding Syllables:
First, you have to learn how to calculate the number of syllables from a word. After that, you will be able to do this on your own without any help. You are thinking of why there is a need to break the word. It can help you to pronounce and write the word exactly. Also, you will see the sequencing of letters and how a group of letters can make the word. Those who want to learn the algorithm of correct spelling building, starting with 2-syllable words help you a lot in better understanding of the concept.
List of 2-Syllable Fruit Words:
In this list, you can see almost all fruits that are two-syllable words.
.List of Fruit Words | 2-Syllables |
Apple | Ap-ple |
Mango | Man-go |
Melon | Mel-on |
Kiwi | Ki-wi |
Cherry | Cher-ry |
Lemon | Lem-on |
Guava | Guav-a |
Lychee | Ly-chee |
Olive | Ol-ive |
Orange | Or-ange |
Carrot | Car-rot |
Radish | Rad-ish |
Raisin | Rai-sin |
Onion | On-ion |
List of 2-Syllable Colour Words:
In this list of two-syllable words, you can see all the colour words that are 2-syllable words.
List of Colour Words | 2-Syllables |
Yellow | Yel-low |
Purple | Pur-ple |
Orange | Or-ange |
Silver | Sil-ver |
Copper | Cop-per |
Maroon | Ma-roon |
Coral | Cor-al |
Lavender | La-vender |
Turquoise | Tur-quoise |
Olive | Ol-ive |
Ivory | Iv-ory |
Azure | Az-ure |
Fuchsia | Fuch-sia |
Salmon | Sal-mon |
Lilac | Li-lac |
Ruby | Ru-by |
Amber | Am-ber |
Ebony | Eb-ony |
List of 2-Syllable Food Words:
In this list of two-syllable words, you can see all the food words that contain 2 syllables.
List of Food Words | 2-Syllables |
Apple | Ap-ple |
Pasta | Pas-ta |
Carrot | Car-rot |
Onion | On-ion |
Chicken | Chick-en |
Sausage | Saus-age |
Burger | Burg-er |
Sandwich | Sand-wich |
Pizza | Piz-za |
Bacon | Ba-con |
Lemon | Lem-on |
Orange | Or-ange |
Melon | Mel-on |
Yogurt | Yo-gurt |
Honey | Hon-ey |
Sugar | Sug-ar |
Cookie | Cook-ie |
Cerea | Cere-al |
Gravy | Gra-vy |
Muffin | Muf-fin |
Broccoli | Broc-coli |
Pickle | Pick-le |
Radish | Rad-ish |
Tuna | Tu-na |
Lemon | Lem-on |
Mango | Man-go |
Cherry | Cher-ry |
2-Syllable Objects List:
List of Objects | 2-Syllables |
Table | Ta-ble |
Mirror | Mir-ror |
Window | Win-dow |
Pillow | Pil-low |
Basket | Bas-ket |
Candle | Can-dle |
Bottle | Bot-tle |
Wallet | Wal-let |
Remote | Re-mote |
Towel | Tow-el |
Camera | Cam-era |
Pencil | Pen-cil |
Laptop | Lap-top |
Glasses | Glass-es |
Keychain | Key-chain |
Hammer | Ham-mer |
Ruler | Ru-ler |
Stapler | Sta-pler |
Paper | Pa-per |
Marker | Mark-er |
Wallet | Wal-let |
Remote | Re-mote |
Basket | Bas-ket |
Pillow | Pil-low |
Bottle | Bot-tle |
Exercise for Separating Syllables:
Now I’ll give you the list of words and all you have to do is divide the words into it’s syllables. Remember the rules and try to do it on your own. Practice makes your understanding one hundred percent. This is the list of 100 words. Your first task is to separate all numbers of syllable words from the list. These can be one, two, three, four, or even five-syllable words. Be careful and enjoy picking your words.
Apple | Rabbit | Basket | Turtle | Window | Coffee | Bottle | Pillow | Sunset | Hammer: |
Elephant | Rainbow | Computer | Chocolate | Bicycle | Caterpillar | Umbrella | Telephone | Butterfly | Adventure |
Watermelon | Television | Alligator | Backpack | Calculator | Pineapple | Strawberry | Octopus | Orchestra | Elephantine |
Rhinoceros | Waterfall | Caterpillars | Helicopter | Imagination | Chocolatey | Alphabetic | Calculators | Unbelievable | Basketball |
Telescope | Grandfather | Hippopotamus | Computerize | Refrigerator | Accomplishment | Collaborative | Engineering | Relationship | Investigation |
Opportunity | Organization | Revolutionary | Confrontational | Sensational | Unforgettable | Entertainment | Celebratory | Incomprehensible | Misunderstanding |
Reconciliation | Transportation | Communication | Congratulations | Intercontinental | Indispensable | Environmental | Overwhelming | Correspondence | Sophisticated |
Extraordinary | Responsibility | Authorization | Multicultural | Implementation | Determination | Unpredictable | Remuneration | Controversial | Circumstantial |
Introduction | Fabrication | Obliteration | Inspiration | Exploration | Transformation | Celebration | Achievement | Collaboration | Innovation |
2 Syllable Words List:
Here, is the list of two-syllable words that I have extracted from the above table.
List of Words | Syllables |
Apple | Ap-ple |
Rabbit | Rab-bit |
Basket | Bas-ket |
Turtle | Tur-tle |
Window | Win-dow |
Coffee | Cof-fee |
Bottle | Bot-tle |
Pillow | Pil-low |
Sunset | Sun-set |
Hammer | Ham-mer |
Rainbow | Rain-bow |
Backpack | Back-pack |
This is all of today’s blog. In today’s blog post, we talked about how simple and useful two-syllable words are. Unlike our last posts, this one was about the short, elegant beauty of two-syllable words. As, I have shown how simple it is to understand and remember words with only two syllables.
By using examples to support our talk, we showed how common two-syllable words are in everyday language. Two-syllable words are common in our language, and they help us learn new things easily. For example, we use them to name fruits, colors, foods, and items. From “apple” to “basket” and “coffee” to “pillow,” these words show how language can be used effectively and simply.