Hello viewers! Great Synonym is back with another interesting and informative blog post after a very long time. Today’s blog post is about what is receptive language. In this article, we will first get a better understanding of the concept of receptive language and its importance. In the end, We will also discuss the strategies and effective tips. Read the blog post till the end, I hope that reading this article will be going to add great value to my viewers’ knowledge.
What is Receptive language?
Our ability to understand any communication whether it is verbal or nonverbal, in any language is called receptive language. It can be the understanding of any written or spoken words or phrases.
Suppose, you are an English teacher. You enter the classroom and one of your students asks you a question. “Sir, what is receptive language? I’ve recently heard of the term and noted it so that I can ask you the same question, lately.” As a teacher, it is your responsibility to answer all the queries of your students satisfactorily. So, you would answer him accordingly. In this procedure, from asking to answering the question. First, your brain senses the question and then processes it. After that, you take action and answer your student accordingly. This is all due to your receptive language skills.
Receptive language plays an important role in our daily understanding of conversations and communications. Otherwise, we are not even able to talk to someone. Now we read books, and magazines, listen to TV news and songs, watch movies and series, and many more all due to the effective maintenance of these skills. Think of a newly born child who can hear all our voices but can’t understand and respond to our wordings. And the same child after some months or years starts to understand our wordings. This is where it plays an effective role. I think now all of my viewers have got a better understanding of the query.
How is it Developed?
Since our childhood, we have been taught to learn anything by listening or copying others’ acts. It is human nature. The same is the scenario in this case. Babies start to track their parents’ sounds and then try to copy it. They speak what they have heard. This is how receptive language skills begin to develop from our childhood. This is the starting phase. With time, the child grows and starts to interact with the environment. Furthermore, this interaction develops more proficiency in their receptive language skills allowing them to understand both verbal and nonverbal communication in a better way.
Factors that affect Receptive Language:
Many factors can create a positive or negative impact on the development of receptive language skills. These factors include:
- Social Interaction: Social interaction is one of the major factors that directly impact your receptive language skills. Due to this factor, extroverts have good communication and conversational skills as compared to introverts.
- Language Exposure: Another factor that plays a key role in the development of receptive language abilities. A child who has great exposure to his/her spoken language can easily adopt efficient communication skills.
- Emotional Factor: The Emotional factor normally causes negative results in the end. A person who takes action on his emotions instead of using his brain powers would lose in the end. The Same is the case here. Emotional factors create negative impacts on the development of proficient receptive language skills.
Also, many other factors create a great impact on it.
Strategies to improve Receptive Language:
In today’s topic on what is receptive language, now we will discuss the useful strategies that can enhance our skills. Following are the top strategies for the purpose.
- Reading Aloud: Reading aloud is the practice between parents and children or teacher and student. This practice builds many skills that help in communication like vocabulary, grammar, spelling, etc. By following this strategy, one can easily polish their receptive language skills.
- Taking part in conversations: Taking part in conversations is another great strategy to improve your communication skills. For this purpose, small group talks should be held at the school level and make it mandatory to participate in the group talk for every student. This will enhance the proficiency level of their receptive language.
- Playing games or solving puzzles: There is another strategy for the development of conversation skills which is playing language-related games or puzzles. Many such games are in the form of both online and offline games. Playing such games gives one a chance to improve his/her skills.
Tips to Improve your Receptive Language Skills at Home:
It is the main motive of a Great Synonym to give its viewers a value for what they are reading for. In previous blog posts, I have added step-by-step guides for those who really want to learn. This time I’m going to add healthy tips that help you improve skills on today’s topic, what is receptive language? These are the essential tips to follow:
- Tip no 1:Encourage a language-rich environment. This means reading more books and listening to professional English speakers in movies and TV shows. Also, promote healthy language-rich conversations.
- Tip no 2:Promote active listening and comprehension in your daily tasks. This will help you improve your receptive language skills.
- Tip no 3:While giving directions, instructions, or explanations, always use concise and clear language. This will give a better understanding to the other which leads to proficient language skills.
- Tip no 4:Be patient and supportive. This will give time to the other person to process the statement and understand the information in a better way. We have already discussed this tip in our blog posts on dyadic communication.
By following these 4 tips, you will see a surprising change in your conversational skills.
This is all of today’s blog post on what is receptive language. I hope all of you have enjoyed reading the blog post and learned many new things that you have never heard of before. Keep reading our blog posts to get in touch with informative lessons or topics.