Hello viewers! Great Synonym welcomes you back to another amazing blog post on words. Today’s blog post topic is 4 syllable words. We have already posted a blog on 3 syllable words. In today’s blog, we will discuss what are syllables and how to identify whether a word has 2, 3, or 4 syllables. Then, we will see a huge list of such 4 syllable words. In the end, I will provide you with a list of almost 50 words and assign you a task to identify and calculate syllables from the list. Read the blog post till the end. I hope that you will enjoy reading the blog.
What are Syllables?
A group of sounds that give a root to a word. Syllables are majorly made up of two sounds which are vowels and consonants. Syllables are defined as “groups of sounds(vowels and consonants) that merge to make words.” Majorly, vowels have a strong impact on the production of the sound of such words. Syllables help in the proper pronunciation and correct the spelling of the words.
- Bat, Tall, Went, Tin, and Kite are all 1-Syllable Words.
- Basket(Bas-ket), Water(Wa-ter), Sister(Sis-ter), and Father(Fa-ther) are all 2-Syllable Words.
- Computer(Com-pu-ter), Banana(Ba-na-na), and Tomato(To-ma-to) are all 3-Syllable Words.
4 Syllable Words:
Words that give a sound of 4 syllables are called 4-syllable words. Now you are all well aware of the syllable terms. Think of how many syllables are most commonly used in our daily life communications. Most of you would agree with my opinion that it is mostly 2 and 3-syllable words that are the most common ones. We prefer to use words ranging from 3 letters to 6 letters in our normal conversations. More than 6-letter words are preferred to use in formal and academic platforms like interviews, presentations, business meetings, webinars, etc.
List of 4 Syllable Words:
Words | 4-Syllables Division |
Ability | A-bil-i-ty |
Apology | A-pol-o-gy |
Acknowledgment | Ac-knowledg-ment |
Advertisement | Ad-vert-tise-ment |
Aggressively | Ag-gres-sive-ly |
Approximate | Ap-prox-i-mate |
Architecture | Ar-chi-tec-ture |
Basically | Ba-sic-al-ly |
Barometer | Ba-rom-e-ter |
Bureaucratic | Bu-reau-crat-ic |
Bisexual | Bi-sex-u-al |
Binoculars | Bi-noc-u-lars |
Beautifully | Beau-ti-ful-ly |
Celebrations | Cel-e-bra-tions |
Collectively | Col-lect-ive-ly |
Circulation | Cir-cu-la-tion |
Comparison | Com-par-i-son |
Consequences | Con-sequen-ces |
Continuous | Con-tin-u-ous |
Deformation | De-for-ma-tion |
Demographic | De-mo-graph-ic |
Dictionary | Dic-tion-ar-y |
Disappointment | Dis-ap-point-ment |
Differential | Dif-fer-en-tial |
Duplication | Du-pli-ca-tion |
Economics | E-co-nom-ics |
Efficiency | Ef-fi-cien-cy |
Enjoyable | En-joy-a-ble |
Engineering | En-gi-neer-ing |
Experience | Ex-pe-ri-ence |
Externally | Ex-ter-nal-ly |
Facilitate | Fa-cil-i-tate |
Favorable | Fa-vor-a-ble |
Fundamental | Fun-da-men-tal |
Formulation | For-mu-la-tion |
Fascinated | Fasc-i-na-ted |
Fabricated | Fab-ri-cat-ed |
Geographic | Ge-o-graph-ic |
Geometric | Ge-o-met-ric |
Geophysics | Ge-o-phys-ics |
Graduation | Grad-u-a-tion |
Grammatical | Gram-mat-i-cal |
Gymnasium | Gym-na-si-um |
Harmonica | Har-mon-i-ca |
Homology | Ho-mol-o-gy |
Honourable | Hon-our-a-ble |
Humanity | Hu-man-i-ty |
Humidity | Hu-mid-i-ty |
Hydrocarbons | Hy-dro-car-bons |
Illustration | Il-lus-tra-tion |
Impossible | Im-pos-si-ble |
Information | In-for-ma-tion |
Innovations | In-no-va-tions |
Incentives | In-cen-tives |
Integrations | In-te-gra-tions |
Jewellery | Jew-el-ler-y |
Jurisdiction | Ju-ris-dic-tion |
Jurisprudence | Ju-ris-pru-dence |
Kindergarten | Kin-der-gar-ten |
Knowledgeable | Knowl-edge-a-ble |
Laminated | Lam-i-na-ted |
Legendary | Leg-en-da-ry |
Librarian | Li-brar-i-an |
Liquidity | Li-quid-i-ty |
Limitation | Lim-i-ta-tion |
Locomotion | Lo-co-mo-tion |
Lubrication | Lu-bri-ca-tion |
Machinery | Ma-chin-er-y |
Majority | Ma-jor-i-ty |
Memorable | Mem-or-a-ble |
Microscopy | Mi-cros-co-py |
Miserable | Mis-er-a-ble |
Motivation | Mo-ti-va-tion |
Nationalism | Na-tion-al-ism |
Naturally | Nat-ur-al-ly |
Navigation | Nav-i-ga-tion |
Negotiable | Ne-go-ti-a-ble |
Negatively | Neg-a-tive-ly |
Nomination | Nom-i-na-tion |
Nonlinear | Non-lin-ear |
Obedience | O-be-di-ence |
Oriental | Or-i-en-tal |
Originate | Or-i-gi-nate |
Overlapping | O-ver-lap-ping |
Occupation | Oc-cu-pa-tion |
Organizing | Or-gan-iz-ing |
Paralysis | Pa-ral-y-sis |
Parametric | Par-a-met-ric |
Penetration | Pen-e-tra-tion |
Permissible | Per-mis-si-ble |
Psychiatrist | Psy-chi-a-trist |
Punctuation | Pun-ctu-a-tion |
Qualifier | Qual-i-fi-er |
Qualifying | Qual-i-fy-ing |
Qualitative | Qual-i-ta-tive |
Quantitative | Quan-ti-ta-tive |
Questionable | Ques-tion-a-ble |
Radiation | Ra-di-a-tion |
Receivable | Re-ceiv-a-ble |
Rechargeable | Re-charge-a-ble |
Reconsider | Re-con-sid-er |
Reusable | Re-us-a-ble |
Reformation | Re-for-ma-tion |
Resurrection | Re-sur-rec-tion |
Selenium | Se-le-ni-um |
Sanctuary | Sanc-tu-ar-y |
Satisfaction | Sat-is-fac-tion |
Saturation | Sat-u-ra-tion |
Simulation | Sim-u-la-tion |
Specifying | Spec-i-fy-ing |
Systematic | Sys-tem-at-ic |
Technically | Tech-ni-cal-ly |
Technology | Tech-nol-o-gy |
Television | Tel-e-vi-sion |
Temperature | Tem-per-a-ture |
Transportation | Trans-por-ta-tion |
Triangular | Tri-an-gu-lar |
Uniformly | U-ni-form-ly |
Universal | U-ni-ver-sal |
Unaffected | Un-af-fect-ed |
Unauthorized | Un-au-thor-ized |
Unsuccessful | Un-suc-cess-ful |
Unsupported | Un-sup-port-ed |
Validity | Va-lid-i-ty |
Vaccination | Vac-ci-na-tion |
Variation | Va-ri-a-tion |
Violated | Vi-o-la-ted |
Vegetable | Veg-e-ta-ble |
Viscosity | Vis-cos-i-ty |
Vocational | Vo-ca-tion-al |
Watercolor | Wa-ter-col-or |
Whatsoever | What-so-ev-er |
Wonderfully | Won-der-ful-ly |
Zirconia | Zir-co-ni-a |
Zoology | Zo-ol-o-gy |
Three Major Components in Syllables:
There are three major components in syllable words which are nucleus, coda, and onset.
- Nucleus: The Nucleus is mostly the central element of the syllable which gives mostly a vowel sound accompanied by one or more consonants. In a cat, “a” is the nucleus. It can also be a consonant.
- Coda: The Coda is the finishing letter of the syllable which will always be a consonant if exists. In the word cat, the ending letter “t” is the coda. Not all syllables have a coda.
- Onset: The Onset is the starting letter of the syllable word with the next vowel letter if exists. In the word cat, the starting letter is “c” which is onset. Not all syllables have an Onset.
How to Count Syllables?
Yes, we have learned what are syllables and their major components. But how are we able to tell how many syllables are there in a word? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you. By the way, many rules tell us how to count syllables from words. But I’m going to present you with the inventions that I have made my own to count the syllables. I’m sure that it will clear all your confusion on how to perform divisions of syllables. Here are some useful suggestions:
- First, try to pronounce the word as it is spelled. If you don’t know the spelling and heard the word from somewhere then try to write down the word with the correct spellings.
- The second step is to pronounce the word 3-4 times slowly in a rhythm and focus delicately on the letters where you feel your sound breaks.
- Divide the word into parts where you have felt major sound breakages. Here is the tip, mostly sound breaks on vowels. But sometimes it breaks on consonants too. Keep this in mind and you can count the syllables easily.
I’m 100 percent sure that if you strictly follow my suggestions, you will never face difficulty in counting the syllables from word ever in your life. This will also help you in the correct spelling and pronunciation of words.
Practice Words List:
I’m giving you the whole list of practice words. Not all of these words need to be 4 syllable words. There is a mixture of both 2 syllable, 3 syllable, and 4 syllable words. You have to identify the syllables in these word lists. Here is the list of words:
Alligator | Apple | Avocado | Backpack | Banana |
Bicycle | Butterfly | Cat | Chair | Chocolate |
Circle | Computer | Cucumber | Dolphin | Ergonomics |
Elephant | Frog | Giraffe | Guitar | Hamburger |
Helicopter | Humidity | Ice cream | Important | Kangaroo |
Lion | Monkey | Motorcycle | Octagon | Owl |
Pancake | Parrot | Penguin | Piano | Pineapple |
Pizza | Rainbow | Rectangle | Sandwich | Strawberry |
Table | Telephone | Television | Tiger | Tomato |
Triangle | Umbrella | Watermelon | Window | Zebra |
This is all of our today’s blog post. I hope that all of you have practiced well and separated all the syllables correctly. In the end, I’m leaving you with a hint that will help you calculate the syllables of the words.
The number of 1 Syllable Words: 4, the number of 2 Syllable Words: 18, the number of 3 Syllable Words: 23, and the number of 4 Syllable Words: 5.