Hello viewers! Great Synonym welcomes you back to another amazing blog post on the correction of spelling words. Today’s blog post topic is How do you spell grammar? We have already posted a blog on almost the same topic. In this blog post, we will see how can you spell the word “grammar” correctly. Also, what are the possibilities for the grammar word to be spelled incorrectly? In the end, I will give you a list of words other than grammar that are mostly spelled incorrectly.
Have you ever found yourself doubting how to spell “grammar”? Don’t worry. In this blog, we are going to learn the correct spelling of the word grammar. The word grammar is usually spelled incorrectly. It is mostly misspelled as “grammer”. English language rules are defined in its grammar. Spelling is one of the famous grammar rules. Grammar helps us to acquire proficiency in a certain language. If you want to learn a new language, try to learn the language with its basic grammar rules. It will help you understand the language in a better way. Correct spelling enhances communication and credibility.
How do you Spell Grammar?
It is as simple as it looks. The correct spelling is G-R-A-M-M-A-R. Many people make the mistake here that they think the end letter sound of grammar is “er”. Let me clear up the confusion. Grammar sounds like “ar” at the end. Word grammar is a 7-letter word that includes 2 vowels and 5 consonants. Also, a word grammar is a 2-syllable word. Easily, an average person not only a professional one can remember the spelling of the word grammar. If you know what are syllables and how to break a word into its syllables. Then, can easily memorize the spelling of words even for the difficult ones.
Why Spelling Matters?
There are many reasons why spelling matters. But the main reason for correct spelling is to pass clear information. When we spell the word correctly, the reader will read and pronounce the word correctly. Although, we have discussed the answer, how do you spell grammar correctly? Otherwise, wrong spellings of words can mess up the whole word. You can read the blog on grammer or grammar, and see how an incorrect spelling mistake mixed up two completely different words. And learn how a small spelling mistake can trouble the whole society on a larger scale.
Impact on Society:
You are a famous blog writer. People love to read your blog content. And people follow your guidelines and suggestions. Now see the impact of spelling on society. Let’s suppose in one of your blog content, you have to use the word grammar. By mistake, you have written a word grammer instead of writing it grammar. The readers who trust your content blindly will start to write the same spelling you did by mistake. This will create confusion in society.
Possibilities to Misspell Grammar:
There could be many possibilities for spelling the word grammar incorrectly. Some of these are mentioned below:
There is a possibility that a language word can be spelled as G-R-A-M-A-R. Try to speak the words 2 times faster than you normally speak. Speaking rapidly sometimes makes your accent rough and poor. It is not possible to pronounce each word as it is when you speak rapidly. When you are not pronouncing the word accurately, how can you be able to spell it? You write what you heard. So, this is what you write, G-R-M-M-A-R when your ears hear it at 2X speed.
G-R-M-M-E-R :
It is another example of misspelling the word grammar. I have seen written “grammer” instead of grammar in many writings. Again, a bad pronunciation of words leads to an incorrect spelling of the word. There is a sound of “ar” at the end of the grammar instead of “er”. Remember, G-R-A-M-M-E-R is not the correct word.
How do you spell the grammar? Till now, all of you who are currently reading the blog post can now spell the grammar easily. You can also tell the reasons why it is spelled as G-R-M-M-E-R because I have told you how it gets misspelled.
Incorrect Spelling Words List:
Language is not the only word that is misspelled, many other famous and common words are misspelled too. Here is the list of such words and how they are not correctly spelled:
Correct Spelling Words | Incorrect Spelling Words |
Accommodate | Acommodate, Accomodate, Acomodate |
Embarrass | Embarass, Embarras, Embaras, Imbarrass |
Necessary | Necesary, Necessery, Necessory |
Separate | Saparate, Separat |
Definitely | Definately, Defenately, Definitly |
Restaurant | Resturant, Resturent, Rastaurant |
Occasion | Ocasion, Occation |
Manoeuvre | Manovere, Manoevre, Manueuvre |
Exaggerate | Exaggarate, Exeggerate,Exagerate |
Conscience | Conscince, Consince |
Millennium | Millenium, Milennium, Millenneum |
Maintenance | Maintanance, Maintainnance, Maintainence |
Amateur | Amatour, Amatur |
February | Febry, Febrary |
Mischievous | Meschievous, Mischeivous |
Privilege | Previlege, Privileage |
Gauge | Gaug, Guage |
Pharaoh | Pharuh, Pharah |
Camouflage | Camouflag, Camuflage |
Pneumonia | Neumonia, Pneumunia |
Fluorescent | Fluoriscent, Fluorecent |
Dilemma | Delimma, Dilema |
Harass | Haras, Harais |
Vacuum | Vacum, Vacuom |
Cemetery | Semetery, Cemetry |
Liaison | Liaisun, Laiison |
Recommend | Recommand, Recomend |
Parallel | Paralel,Parallal, Parallel |
Entrepreneur | Enterpreneur, Entreprenour, Entrapreneur, Antrapreneur |
Accommodation | Acommodation, Accomodation, Acomodation |
Fuchsia | Fusia, Fuchia, Fuchsea |
Inoculate | Inoculute, Inocolate |
Hygiene | Hygeine, Higiene |
Connoisseur | Conoiseur, Conoisseur, Connoiseur, Connoissur |
Broccoli | Broccli, Broccoli, Brocolli |
Guerrilla | Guerila, Guerrila, Guerilla |
Colonel | Colonal, Collonel, Colonell |
License | Lisence, Lycense, Lisense |
Caribbean | Caribean, Caribbian, Carebbean |
Embarrassment | Embarressment, Imbarrassment, Embarasment |
Irresistible | Iresistable, Irresistable, Iresistible |
Handkerchief | Handkercheif, Handkherchief, Handkerchiefe |
Indispensable | Indispensible, Endispensable, Indispansable |
Privilege | Privillege, Privillage, Previlege |
Maintenance | Maintainnance, Maintanance, Maintenanc |
Occasion | Ocasion, Occassion, Occation |
Obviously | Obviosly, Obviousely |
Miscellaneous | Miscelaneous, Misscellaneous, Miscillaneous |
Opportunity | Oportunity, Opportunyty |
Rhythm | Rythm, Rhythem |
This is all of today’s blog, how do you spell grammar? I hope that all of you have enjoyed reading the blog post. Read the whole blog post. You will get to learn a lot from a single post.