Hello Viewers! Great Synonym welcomes you back to another educational and informative blog post. Today’s blog post topic is, how do you spell language? We have already posted a blog on a similar topic which was how to spell language. In this blog post, we will see how you spell language correctly. Also, we will see a word how the word “language” can be spelled incorrectly. Furthermore, we will see other words that are not spelled correctly. In the end, we see an examples of how an incorrect spelling changes the meaning of the whole word.
Has it ever happened to you that you stop writing because you cannot remember the spelling of the word you are trying to write? Sometimes, we forget the spelling of the simplest words that we have been using since our school times. Once, I was writing an article. Suddenly, I forgot the spelling of the word finish. That time, I observed that it is the human psyche that often forgets things. So, take it easy and try to spell with your fresh mind. Our brain is just like a machine. All machines take time to cool down. The same is the case with a human brain. When your brain is stressed out or exhausted, how can it be able to process all the functions normally? Definitely, this is the time when your brain needs rest. Let’s get to the straightforward answer, how do you spell language correctly?
How do you spell language? Correctly!
It can be spelled correctly as “L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E”. It is not hard to spell such words. Word language is a two-syllable word. For those who don’t know what are syllables can read our blog posts on syllables. In these blogs, I have given a brief explanation of how to count and divide the word into its possible syllables. Syllables help us to spell the word correctly. As I said, there are 2 syllables in the “language” word which are “lan” and “guage”. Till now, you have gotten your answer, how do you spell the language? Now, we will see how a word language can be misspelled.
Possibilities to Misspell the Language:
There could be a number of possibilities to spell the word, language incorrectly. Some of these are mentioned below:
There is a possibility that a language word can be spelled as L-A-N-G-A-G-E. Try to speak the words 2 times faster than you normally speak. Speaking rapidly sometimes makes your accent rough and poor. It is not possible to pronounce each word as it is when you speak rapidly. When you are not pronouncing the word accurately, how can you be able to spell it? You write what you heard. So, this is what you write, L-A-N-G-A-G-E when your ears hear it at 2X speed.
It is another example of misspelling the word language. I have seen written “langege” instead of language in many writings. Again, a bad pronunciation of words leads to such an incorrect spelling of the word. There is a sound of “uage” in the end of the language instead of “ege”. Remember, L-A-N-G-E-G-E is not the correct word.
How do you spell the language? Till now, all of you who are currently reading the blog post can now spell the language easily. You can also tell the reasons why it is spelled as L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E because I have told you how it gets misspelled.
Incorrect Spelling Words List:
Language is not the only word that is misspelled, many other famous and common words are misspelled too. Here is the list of such words and how they are not correctly spelled:
Words | How can These Words be Misspelled? |
Accommodate | Acommodate, Accomodate, Acomodate |
Embarrass | Embarass, Embarras, Embaras, Imbarrass |
Necessary | Necesary, Necessery, Necessory |
Separate | Saparate, Separat |
Definitely | Definately, Defenately, Definitly |
Restaurant | Resturant, Resturent, Rastaurant |
Occasion | Ocasion, Occation |
Manoeuvre | Manovere, Manoevre, Manueuvre |
Exaggerate | Exaggarate, Exeggerate,Exagerate |
Conscience | Conscince, Consince |
Millennium | Millenium, Milennium, Millenneum |
Maintenance | Maintanance, Maintainnance, Maintainence |
Amateur | Amatour, Amatur |
February | Febry, Febrary |
Mischievous | Meschievous, Mischeivous |
Privilege | Previlege, Privileage |
Gauge | Gaug, Guage |
Pharaoh | Pharuh, Pharah |
Camouflage | Camouflag, Camuflage |
Pneumonia | Neumonia, Pneumunia |
Fluorescent | Fluoriscent, Fluorecent |
Dilemma | Delimma, Dilema |
Harass | Haras, Harais |
Vacuum | Vacum, Vacuom |
Cemetery | Semetery, Cemetry |
Liaison | Liaisun, Laiison |
Recommend | Recommand, Recomend |
Parallel | Paralel,Parallal, Parallel |
Entrepreneur | Enterpreneur, Entreprenour, Entrapreneur, Antrapreneur |
Accommodation | Acommodation, Accomodation, Acomodation |
Fuchsia | Fusia, Fuchia, Fuchsea |
Inoculate | Inoculute, Inocolate |
Hygiene | Hygeine, Higiene |
Connoisseur | Conoiseur, Conoisseur, Connoiseur, Connoissur |
Broccoli | Broccli, Broccoli, Brocolli |
Guerrilla | Guerila, Guerrila, Guerilla |
Colonel | Colonal, Collonel, Colonell |
License | Lisence, Lycense, Lisense |
Caribbean | Caribean, Caribbian, Carebbean |
Embarrassment | Embarressment, Imbarrassment, Embarasment |
Irresistible | Iresistable, Irresistable, Iresistible |
Handkerchief | Handkercheif, Handkherchief, Handkerchiefe |
Indispensable | Indispensible, Endispensable, Indispansable |
Privilege | Privillege, Privillage, Previlege |
Maintenance | Maintainnance, Maintanance, Maintenanc |
Occasion | Ocasion, Occassion, Occation |
Obviously | Obviosly, Obviousely |
Miscellaneous | Miscelaneous, Misscellaneous, Miscillaneous |
Opportunity | Oportunity, Opportunyty |
Rhythm | Rythm, Rhythem |
Impact of Spelling Errors:
Incorrect spellings can change the meaning of the word completely. In my recent posts, I have written on the trending query of grammer or grammar. Read that blog post, it will get you a complete understanding of how small mistakes in spelling can change the meaning of the whole word. The correct spelling is grammar. Which is not correctly spelled most of the time and written as grammer. Word grammar is a common noun while grammer is a proper noun. Grammer is a surname used by many people.
This is all of our today’s blog, “How do you spell language?” I hope all of you have enjoyed reading the blog and learned a lot from a single blog.