Great Synonym always welcomes its viewers towards new and effective interesting blog posts. Today’s topic is going to be “Is high school one word or two? | Explanation with Reasons”. Nowadays, this query is in trend. A lot of people are searching for this query. Read the blog post till the end to get your answer.
High schools or secondary schools are the educational institutions. What grades do we study in high school? This is another debate. But the same grades are not taught in all the High schools all over the world. In some countries, only 9th and 10th grades are studied in the high schools. Talking about the United States, 9 to 12 grades studies are taught in high schools. High school education plays an important role in the basic education of students. This query of “Is high school one word or two”, has always been under great confusion. To overcome the confusion, I decided to write on this query. Just read the blog post till the end. I am sure that you will all get a suitable answer to satisfy your confusion relevant to the query, “Is high school one word or two.”
Role of the English language to get the Answer:
There is a question in my mind is there any relation between the english language and the query of, whether is high school one word or two? Let’s break down the whole structure that relates this query to the language. There are many terms in our English literature that we don’t know. This lack of knowledge leads us to many confusions. Learning language is like watering a seed that has just been planted. The more you water it, the more it will give you a fruit. The more we go into its depth, the more we learn about language rules. To explore the query, is high school one word? It is obligatory to have enough knowledge of compound words. This is a term in the English language.
Compound words:
When two or more words combine together, they produce another word. Such words in the English Language are called compound words. Such words are the result of the addition of two or more words. Each word can be different in meaning. But a combination of these words gives a root to a new word that has traits of both words.
The most common example of such words is Basketball. As, this word is a combination of two words, basket and ball. By combining these words, we get the basketball. If you have seen or ever experienced playing the game, you would better know why this game is called basketball. Because this game is played with the help of a basket to pot the ball.
Types of Comound Words:
There are further three types of compound words. We must have enough knowledge of the types so that we can tackle the same type of confusion on words in the future. Following are the types of compound words:
Open Compound word:
Mostly it is a combination of two words. Compound word, in which two words are combined by placing a single word space between the words. They are called open because of the spacing between the two words. Cell phone, ice cream, cotton candy, etc. are examples of open compound words:
Closed Compound word:
Words that are combined without even having a gap of a single space between the words are called closed compound words. Aeroplane, superhero, mailbox, etc. are examples of closed compound words. Like compound ones, closed compound words are a combination of two words.
Hyphenated Compound word:
Hyphenated compound words are one of the types of compound words. Two words are combined by placing a hyphen between the words. That is why they are named as hyphenated. Empty-handed, informational-based, step-by-step, etc. are examples of hyphenated compound words.
Is high school a single word?
By now everyone must know the answer is high school one word or two? Of course, it is a two-word term. High school is a compound word. This word is a combination of “high” and “school”, two words. Two words combine and make high school. There is a space between high and school. So, high school is an open compound word.
Now it is clear that high school is not one word. It is a combination of two different words that make another unique word. It is one of the categories into which the educational system is divided.
- This is a most common mistake people make while writing, they write in one word. Just like that, “highschool”. I have also seen it written as “high-school” . These are the incorrect methods of writing “high school”. The correct method to write is “high school”.
- Another misconception is the topic we explained is high school one word. It is not correct. High school has two words, “high” and “school”. Although, it sounds like a single word and is used as a single term. But still, high school has two words.
- As it is a combination of high and school. Some think that if they use synonyms for the same words and combine them. It will reflect the same meaning which is not correct. Now we will see an example to get more better understanding. A synonym of high is “huge” and a synonym of school is “educational institution”. A combination of these two words makes a new word which would be “huge educational institution”. This word makes no sense at all.
Most Frequently Asked Questions:
1-Why is high school two words?
High school is not a closed compound word, it is an open compound word. This is the reason why high school is two words.
2-Is there a hyphen in high school?
No, there is no hyphen between high and school. It is written as “high school”
3-Is middle school two words or one?
Yes, middle school is two words. Just like high school, middle school is also a closed compound word. Many other words like “primary school”, “secondary school”, etc.
4-Why do people write high school as one word?
People write high school as one word. The main reason is the lack of knowledge of the English language. The one who knows about the terms such as compound words will never use the “high school” word as one word. He always considers it as two words.
This is the end of our blog post on, is the high school one word or two? I hope all the readers of Great Synonym find this blog post useful and informative. If you have any questions related to the theory, feel free to ask.