Hello viewers Great Synonym welcomes you back to another amazing blog post on words. In today’s blog, we will see a spelling words list from grade 1st to grade 5th. In another blog post on spelling, I will try to explore words up to grade 10. I hope all of you will enjoy reading the blog post and learn to spell many new words.
Spelling Words List:
I’m not going to leave you alone with the huge list of spelling words. I will also teach you some useful tips that will help you memorize the spelling of these words for the rest of your life. Here is the list of spelling words starting from grade 1 to grade 5:
1st-Grade Spelling Words List:
And | Ant | Are | Ask | Ate | All | Ago | Bat | Bed | Bib |
Box | Bud | Bug | Bun | Bus | Butt | Cap | Car | Cat | Cow |
Cub | Cup | Cut | Dad | Den | Dog | Dot | Fed | Fry | Fit |
Fox | For | Fun | Hat | Hen | Hit | Hop | Hot | Hug | Hut |
How | Has | Jug | Kit | Lap | Led | Lip | Lit | Log | Mad |
Man | Map | Mat | Men | Moon | Mud | May | Nap | Now | Not |
Nut | Owl | Pan | Pen | Paw | Peg | Pet | Pit | Put | Pop |
Pot | Red | Rag | Rib | Rub | Rip | Rug | Ram | Run | Row |
Sad | Sat | Sit | Sox | Star | Sub | Sun | Son | Sin | Tap |
Ten | Tin | Tip | Top | Tub | Tow | Van | Wed | Wet | Zip |
How to Memorize Spellings:
These are almost 3 letter words. It is not too difficult to learn and memorize the spelling of such words. Because You can memorize these words by a simple visualization of 10-15 mins. Read each word 5 times in such a voice that can be easily hearable to your ears. Psychology says when you hear something over and over again, your minds automatically store that data in your long-term memory. Parents who are worried about their kid’s spelling mistakes can use the same techniques on their children. Trust me, you will be amazed to see the results.
2nd-Grade Spelling Words List:
Able | Aria | Army | Bale | Ball | Bike | Bill | Cake | Call | Care |
Chin | City | Dash | Desk | Dime | Dock | Door | Earl | Ears | Easy |
Fact | Fall | Fast | Fear | Gape | Gate | Germ | Gift | Girl | Gold |
Golf | Hair | Harm | Help | Hide | Hike | Iced | Icon | Idea | Idle |
Inch | Jump | June | Jury | Kale | Keen | Keep | Kelp | Kick | Lake |
Lamp | Lava | Line | Loop | Many | Mark | Mate | Melt | Milk | Mind |
Nail | Near | Noun | Oath | Once | Only | Open | Oval | Pail | Park |
Pave | Pear | Pink | Puma | Rent | Ripe | Sale | Sand | Seal | Team |
Tell | Thin | Time | Town | Undo | Unit | User | Wait | Wall | Wave |
Well | Wisp | Yarn | Yawn | Year | Yell | Yoga | Zebra | Zero | Zoom |
How to Memorize Spellings:
These are mostly 4-letter words. But still, it is not an easy task for the student in 2nd grade to memorize all these words. A previous method of visualization and pronouncing each word 5 times can also help to memorize these words. Another useful method you can use to memorize the spellings is to break the words into the total number of letters. For Example, you can break the word, “cake” as “c-a-k-e”.
3rd-Grade Spelling Words List:
Apple | Angel | Arrow | Album | Ankle | Basic | Begin | Blend | Break | Carve |
Climb | Creek | Dance | Dream | Eagle | Earth | Evoke | Erase | Elbow | Fleet |
Flame | Flock | Fresh | Front | Grape | Gummy | Grass | Ghost | Heavy | Hotel |
Inert | Inlet | Jelly | Japan | Knife | Knack | Kiosk | Kings | Known | Latch |
Lemon | Loner | Large | Laugh | Maple | Mango | Mocha | Music | Magic | Nanny |
Nerve | Niche | Nicer | Nymph | Oasis | Ounce | Often | Onion | Ocean | Peach |
Pacer | Plump | Pupil | Pesto | Queen | Quilt | Quiet | Quirk | Ready | Ridge |
Ruler | Route | Radar | Sugar | Sound | Scale | Smile | Study | Tacos | Tally |
Tiger | Teach | Table | Usual | Unity | Urban | Usage | Villa | Vital | Viper |
Venue | Valve | Woven | Wrist | Water | Yield | Yacht | Zebra | Zones | Zooms |
How to Memorize Spellings:
These are mostly 5-letter words. But still, it is not easy for the student in 3rd grade to remember all these words. Previous techniques of visualization, repeating pronunciations, and breaking into letters can be applied to memorize these words. But a useful method I suggest you memorize the spellings of these words by rhyming method. You have to name at least one rhyming word. For Example, rhyming words for apple are cattle, saddle, metal, settle, etc.
4th-Grade Spelling Words List:
Absent | Accent | Anchor | Animal | Around | Bottle | Branch | Breeze | Bright | Broken |
Candle | Carrot | Circle | Dabble | Damage | Dimple | Energy | Enigma | Ensure | Escape |
Fabric | Flight | Flower | Friend | Future | Gadget | Garden | Gentle | Gossip | Hammer |
Handle | Helper | Humble | Hustle | Ignite | Impact | Insect | Intent | Invite | Jacket |
Jaguar | Jewels | Karma | Keeper | Keyway | Kindle | Laptop | Lawful | Letter | Liquid |
Marvel | Middle | Minute | Mother | Narrow | Nation | Nature | Number | Orange | Outfit |
Output | Oxygen | Parrot | Pebble | Potato | Purple | Quartz | Queasy | Quench | |
Quiver | Rabbit | Racket | Radial | Random | Silver | Spirit | Stride | Sudden | Target |
Temple | Thanks | Travel | Unicorn | Unique | United | Urgent | Victim | Violet | Vision |
Volume | Voyage | Weapon | Window | Winter | Wonder | Yearly | Yellow | Yield | Yogurt |
How to Memorize Spellings:
These are mostly 6-letter words. But still, it is difficult for 4th-grade students to memorize all these words swiftly. Previous techniques of visualization, repeating pronunciations, breaking into letters, and rhyming of words all can help to memorize these word’s spellings. But a useful method I found to learn these words is to associate the word with its meaning. For Example, for the word candle, you can think of a candle, purpose, and the functioning of a candle. It will help you a lot.
5th-Grade Spelling Words List:
Abandon | Absence | Actress | Advance | Agility | Airport | \Android | Article | Backup | Balcony |
Bandage | Barrels | Bicycle | Blanket | Bloated | Bolster | Bravely | Breathe | Bullion | Bullish |
Capture | Confide | Console | Correct | Delight | Dentist | Display | Distant | Economy | Eternal |
Excited | Express | Fiction | Firewall | Foreman | Freedom | Gateway | General | Glasses | Glowing |
Gravity | Happily | Harmony | Healthy | Holding | Husband | Ignited | Inflame | Inhibit | Inquire |
Insider | Jocular | Journey | Joystick | Justice | Keepers | Kissing | Kitchen | Kittens | Lending |
Liberty | Loyalty | Luggage | Monitor | Neutral | Nothing | Nuggets | Numeric | Organic | Overjoy |
Perform | Present | Produce | Program | Protect | Quality | Radical | Redhead | Regular | Retreat |
Silence | Station | Storage | Stretch | Tribute | Triumph | Trivial | Typhoon | Uncover | Unhappy |
Unusual | Vanilla | Velocity | Venture | Viscount | Vitamin | Walking | Weather | Wrinkle | Yanking |
How to Memorize Spellings:
These are mostly 7-letter words. But still, it is not easy for the student in 3rd grade to memorize all these word’s spellings. Previous techniques of visualization, repeating pronunciations, breaking into letters, rhyming of words, and associating the word with its meaning can help to memorize these word’s spellings. But a useful method to memorize these word’s spellings is to break the word into syllables.
For those who don’t know what are syllables and how to break the word into syllables can read the blog post. It will help get a better understanding. For Example, the word abandon can be divided into 3-syllables as “a-ban-don”.
This is all of our today’s blog on spelling words list. I hope that all of you have enjoyed reading the blog post. Keep reading our blog posts.